How to Fish with Frogs?

Image result for How to Fish with Frogs?Fishing is very popular as a hobby or as a sport. People use many techniques to catch fishes. Frogs are a very good way to catch big bass.

Learning how to catch big bass with frogs is very important for successful fishing.You need to be very precise and you will need some special equipment to get the best result from your lures. It doesn’t mean frog fishing is a hard task to do. It is very simple and can be one of the best and exciting methods of catching fishes. In this article, I will tell you how to fish with frogs.


Fishing with Frogs

Learning the process of fishing with frogs can put a lot bigger fishes in your boat for you. In the following post, I will try to help you with this.


Needed Equipment

Frog fishing is a little bit complex than the usual fishing techniques we see. You will need some special equipment specially made for frog fishing to get the best result out of it.

Fishing without the proper gear cannot bring you good result. So, it is better to prepare yourself with the right gears at the very beginning. It will ensure that you will not have to worry about equipment and concentrate on fishing. Here are some suggestions about the proper frog fishing gear:


Frog RodImage result for How to Fish with Frogs?

You will need a good rod to throw frogs. Without a good quality rod, frog fishing is almost impossible. You need a heavy power baitcastingrod with a fast action tip and a lot of backbone for pulling out the bass from grass, weeds and other vegetation. So, you should have a strong rod to muscle out the fish from the water. So, while buying the rod, make sure it is strong enough itself to withstand big fish and extremely hard hook sets. The best rod for the task would be a 7 foot or longer heavy action bait casting rod.


Frog Reel

The proper frog reel would be a quality baitcaster which has a faster gear ratio. That means you need a reel that can pick up lines very quickly.You can try any reel as long as it is a baitcaster made from quality parts, has a nice drag system and is fast at picking up fishing lines.



The line is the most important equipment among all the gears that you need. Never use the sub-par fishing line when you are throwing frogs. You will need a minimum of 65-pound test lines to pull the fish out of the thick and heavy weeds. You should not use fluorocarbon lines because it sinks. You would not want to use monofilament lines because it stretches.So, the braid is the best thing that you can use for frog fishing after considering all the facts. I will suggest you use at least 50-pound braid for frog fishing. You can also use a 65-pound braid for better result.


Tie a Great Knot

Image result for How to Fish with Frogs?

Before you go and start your frog fishing, I want to talk about the knot that you should use to tie your frog onto your line. I usually don’t see much discussions on this topic but there should be. Never compromise with the quality of the knot. Braid lines can slip if there is not a good knot. So, tie your knot very carefully. You can apply some lubricants on the line before you tighten it. Without a proper knot, you may lose your lure. Taking some extra time to tie the knot can save a lot of time for you. You can use a Palomar or double Palomar knot. They both are good for attaching lures to the line safely.


Understanding Frog Differences

You need to understand the difference between various frogs. It will help you to choose a lure that draws more attention to the fishes. There are many frogs and they are made differently. These differences can affect the action of the bait directly.

Some frogs are bigger and some are smaller. Some frogs have a lot of actions and others have totally no actions. Some fishes will chase the frog that has some actions and some fishes love to attack a frog with no movement. The fish will tell you what they want and according to that, you need to choose your frog. Basically, warmer weather means faster lures and cold weather means slow-moving lures. You can choose your frog according to the weather condition also.


Where to Throw Your Frog

Frog lures are designed to be thrown at some places where other lures with exposed hooks cannot reach. Places under water like trees, grass mats, submerged vegetation where bass can hide is the perfect place for throwing frog lure. These are the best places to throw the frog because the biggest fish in the water often take cover here away from the place where other lures are thrown.


Fishing The Frog

Now it comes to the main part. There are some very effective methods of frog fishing. Such as:


Walking The Frog

It is the most common method of frog fishing. Walking means making it swim side to side as the slack is taken up by the reel. Point your rod tip downward and move the rod’s tip using your hand. It will cause the bait to move from left to right continuously. It will look like the lure is turning its body. This is very effective in every situation.


Straight Retrieve

Simply reeling a bait it can be really effective sometimes. You may want to show that your lure is moving like the real one. Just cast it and burn it back in. It will create some real movement. This technique can be really effective when the bass is aggressive. So, summer is the perfect time to use this technique because the water remains warm.


Stop and Go

Stop and go technique can be very handy when the fish have low metabolism and don’t feel like chasing faster prey. For doing this, you need to keep your lure in the same place for a long time. It is a great idea to wait for some time before you start popping it again. One minute is enough for a bass to take it. After one minute, give it a pop and wait another minute. Repeat this process until you get out of the strike zone.


Setting The Hook

Frogs are sometimes hard to hook up with. Don’t let that stop you from throwing them. Almost every time, the bass fail to take the hooks in their mouth. You have to give them at least two or three seconds to mouth the bait. If you set the hook too early, there is a chance for the lure to pull out right of the mouth. So, it will be good if you wait for a few seconds before casting.



Catching bass is a great feeling already. If you make your lure a frog lure, the fun will get into another level. There is nothing more exciting than catching big bass using a frog lure. But all these depend on the proper equipment and techniques. if you still haven’t tried frog fishing, I will strongly recommend you to try it. Tips which I have described above will help you to make your experience much better than usual.